Magento 2 Private Sale and Flash Sales Extension v4.x Troubleshooting


Issue: If you experience an issue with “di compile” while installing Magento 2 Private Sales and Flash Sales Extension v4.x, this may be due to the following error:

Fatal error: Class 'MagentoCatalogControllerAdminhtmlCategoryImageUpload' not found in app/code/Plumrocket/PrivateSale/Controller/Adminhtml/Category/Image/Upload.php


In order to fix this issue go to file:


and change the following code:

 * Class Upload
class Upload extends MagentoCatalogControllerAdminhtmlCategoryImageUpload


if (class_exists('MagentoCatalogControllerAdminhtmlCategoryImageUpload')) {
    class InterimClass extends MagentoCatalogControllerAdminhtmlCategoryImageUpload {
        public function execute() {}
} else {
    class InterimClass extends MagentoBackendAppAction{
        public function execute() {}
 * Class Upload
class Upload extends InterimClass

Save your changes and start compilation process from the beginning.

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