Private Sales v.2.0: Change your magento back-end passwords

Here you will learn how to change your Magento back-end passwords.

Step-by-Step action:

  1. Click on the “SYSTEM” tab in main menu.
  2. Select “Account”.

Step-by-Step action:

  1. Option “User Name”: requires you to enter your login that will be later used to enter into the system.
  2. Option “First Name”: Enter your first name here.
  3. Option “Last Name”: Enter your last name here.
  4. Option “Email”: Enter your e-mail here.
  5. Option “New Password”: Provide a new password here.
  6. Option “Password Confirmation”: Enter the new password again to confirm it.
  7. Option “Save Account”: Click on “Save Account” to save the new settings.
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